Monthly Archives: August 2012

We have weekly meetings.

Yes, it’s true.

Believe it or not there is always a lot going on in bike-coop-land. Lots of things need sorting out, discussion and consensus. Because this is so we meet every week to sort out, discuss and attain the ever cooperative but sometimes elusive consensus. If you’d like to join in, and we’d like it if you’d like to, then pencil us in for Wednesdays at 6pm. We meet on the front steps of Lothlorien House in Berkeley.

Coming to meetings is a great way for people to pitch in and to have a say. We also need your help.



Fall semester open-shop hours.

Yes, hello there.

Today is August 22nd. The day after this one is August 23rd. This means that tomorrow is the first day of fall semester. Ohmygosh. This means a great many things to lots of different people but the relevant implication of this date for us, and for you right now as you’re reading this, is that BicyCAL (pronounced: bee-cee-cal) is back in action!

We are pleased to present you with the following open-shop schedule for the fall semester. We will be open from noon until 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We hope very much that we will be able to be open on Thursdays too but for now this is the best we can muster.

So yes, the mysterious and elusive UC Berkeley bicycle cooperative is open this fall. We’re ready to help you and we couldn’t be happier about it. So come on by the shop if you need some bike help, if you’d like to learn more about how to get involved or if you’d like to participate in our fall semester slow race series. Also, check back here for more information about upcoming workshops, our wonderful DeCAL, an updated open-shop schedule and all manner of awesome BicyCAL news.

Best wishes,